Lisa carlson Thomas

welcome… I’m happy to meet you.

With 25 years of design experience, I’ve made a lot of stuff. count on me to build targeted ux design, and winning consumer products, Graphics and illustration.

Bringing ideas to life. My jam is to create a delightful experience for your customer… something that tickles their fancy. There’s possibility around the corner, so let’s go find it.

Strategic. Years of experience with corporations, brands, and grass-roots organizations ensure that as a designer I’m working to meet the critical needs of the business, as well as deliver something special and useful to the user.

Skilled. Experience + experimentation yields a lot of know-how. I enjoy using a wide range of traditional styles and mediums to engage viewers and am fluent in a host of technical tools as well. I’m experienced creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity mockups, and use tools like Figma and Adobe Creative Suite.

Play. I get an added boost by teaching Art and STEM to kids. Their energy and intuition inspires and keeps me curious about the world and where we’re going.

Have a project? I’d love to hear all about it. Call or reach out to me below.